Dates for your Diary
Special Services require booking and the site is closed all day.
Contact Margaret Wilmot to say you will be coming, seats will not be specifically reserved for you, but the number attending is required.
by email [email protected]
or by post Mrs Margaret Wilmot, St George’s RAF Chapel, Biggin Hill Memorial Museum,
Main Road, Biggin Hill, Kent TN16 3 EJ
Veterans' Service: Sunday 22 June 11.45 am for 12 noon.
Battle of Britain Service: Sunday 14 September at 10.30 am.
Remembrance Service: Sunday 9 November at 10.20am for 10.30 am followed by wreath laying.
Open Services - no booking required, JUST COME.
Easter Sunday 20 April 10.30 am .
St George‘s Day Friends Service and Blessing of the St George Icon 20 April 2.30pm.
No morning Service.
Outside Services - no booking required, JUST COME.
Dutch Remembrance Day Saturday 4 May at 11 am.
At the Maastricht Stone in the Garden of Remembrance.
V E Day Remembered 80th Anniversary Wednesday 8 May at 11am.
Around the Flagpole.
Forget-Me-Not Ceremony Battle of Britain Pilots Remembered
Saturday 19 July at 11am by the Gate Guardians.
PLEASE NOTE ABOVE The Battle of Britain Sunday Service on 14 September
Remembrance Day 11-11-11 1045am for 11am around the Flagpole.
Contact Margaret Wilmot to say you will be coming, seats will not be specifically reserved for you, but the number attending is required.
by email [email protected]
or by post Mrs Margaret Wilmot, St George’s RAF Chapel, Biggin Hill Memorial Museum,
Main Road, Biggin Hill, Kent TN16 3 EJ
Veterans' Service: Sunday 22 June 11.45 am for 12 noon.
Battle of Britain Service: Sunday 14 September at 10.30 am.
Remembrance Service: Sunday 9 November at 10.20am for 10.30 am followed by wreath laying.
Open Services - no booking required, JUST COME.
Easter Sunday 20 April 10.30 am .
St George‘s Day Friends Service and Blessing of the St George Icon 20 April 2.30pm.
No morning Service.
Outside Services - no booking required, JUST COME.
Dutch Remembrance Day Saturday 4 May at 11 am.
At the Maastricht Stone in the Garden of Remembrance.
V E Day Remembered 80th Anniversary Wednesday 8 May at 11am.
Around the Flagpole.
Forget-Me-Not Ceremony Battle of Britain Pilots Remembered
Saturday 19 July at 11am by the Gate Guardians.
PLEASE NOTE ABOVE The Battle of Britain Sunday Service on 14 September
Remembrance Day 11-11-11 1045am for 11am around the Flagpole.
Dates for your Diary |