Friends of St George’s Royal Air Force Chapel of Remembrance , Biggin Hill
We are an independent group established by the RAF two years before the station closed in 1992.
The Chapel does not have a Parish in the normal sense and it was felt that some people who, although unable to attend services frequently, considered the Chapel special and wanted to maintain a close association with it. At that time there was uncertainty and doubt about the future of the RAF Chapel once the RAF had left so it was decided to form a group to be known as ‘The Friends of St. George’s RAF Chapel of Remembrance’ (FSGC) . Approximately 200 people signed up, a constitution was drawn up with help from the MOD legal team, with an annual membership fee to help fund ongoing care of Chapel and the Gate Guardians. The MOD continued to care for the structure of the Chapel building an d the Remembrance Garden. Weekly and ‘Special’ Services were arranged by RAF Northolt with the Chapel Council and Friends providing the logistics to enable these to take place.
When the site and the Chapel came under the care of Bromley Council, new terms were negotiated with the new managers. Now, more than 30 years on, the Friends are still active and have the remit to look after the Chapel, the Gate Guardians and the Garden of Remembrance. The FSGC ensure that both weekly and ‘Special’ Services are held in the Chapel, that visitors are made welcome and that those who have given their lives for us, and still do today, continue to be honoured.
The Chapel does not have a Parish in the normal sense and it was felt that some people who, although unable to attend services frequently, considered the Chapel special and wanted to maintain a close association with it. At that time there was uncertainty and doubt about the future of the RAF Chapel once the RAF had left so it was decided to form a group to be known as ‘The Friends of St. George’s RAF Chapel of Remembrance’ (FSGC) . Approximately 200 people signed up, a constitution was drawn up with help from the MOD legal team, with an annual membership fee to help fund ongoing care of Chapel and the Gate Guardians. The MOD continued to care for the structure of the Chapel building an d the Remembrance Garden. Weekly and ‘Special’ Services were arranged by RAF Northolt with the Chapel Council and Friends providing the logistics to enable these to take place.
When the site and the Chapel came under the care of Bromley Council, new terms were negotiated with the new managers. Now, more than 30 years on, the Friends are still active and have the remit to look after the Chapel, the Gate Guardians and the Garden of Remembrance. The FSGC ensure that both weekly and ‘Special’ Services are held in the Chapel, that visitors are made welcome and that those who have given their lives for us, and still do today, continue to be honoured.
( single or family membership).
Download the membership form below
Perhaps you would like only to give a donation to the Friends of St George's Chapel and not join the Friends?
We would be very greatful.
Please do so by either by a bank transfer to:
The Friends of St George's Chapel, Sort Code 23-05-80, Account 43927353 and emailing [email protected] of the donation
or by sending a cheque to:
FSGC Treasurer, 39 Jail Lane, Biggin Hill, Westerham Kent TN16 3SE
Cheques must be made out exactly to THE FRIENDS OF ST GEORGE'S CHAPEL.

We all need good friends!
New Members to the Friends receive a welcome package containing the latest newsletter, a copy of the history of the RAF Chapel booklet, a renew membership form, constitution main aims, committee members and any new information about social activities.
All members receive a quarterly newsletter and regular information about activities, events and projects concerning the Chapel and Remembrance Garden.
Social Events are organised and details of past events are shown in ‘Events’.
Committee Members are active in their quest to increase the Chapel congregation. A pickup service is offered to those who live within a 5 mile radius of Biggin Hill and would like to come to services but are unable to get there themselves. This is being funded by the Friends, as per the constitution; ‘to provide a means by which members and friends can demonstrate support for the continued existence of St George’s RAF Chapel of Remembrance, Biggin Hill, as a living, active church’.
For further information about assisted visits please contact
Margaret Wilmot by email [email protected] or ring 01959 575197 and leave a message
Several members of the committee also visit, meet and offer support, to our members who are older or infirm, lonely or temporarily incapacitated. If we are made aware of any member who is ill or in hospital then a card and flowers will be sent from the committee.
The Constitution can be downloaded below here.

friends_constitution_2018.pdf |