Air Training Corps 2427 Squadron 60th Anniversary Service.
On Sunday the Air Cadets of 2427 Squadron celebrated the 60th anniversary of the formation of the Squadron with a service in the Chapel led by Reverend Alison Newman , the Squadron Padre. Yes she is still referred to as the Padre!
The Mayor Mike Botting was present and it was his last duty as the Mayor of the London Borough of Bromley. The congregation of staff, parents and invited guests numbered 79 and 55 cadets attended.
Refreshments were served after the service.
Before the RAF left in 1992, the Squadron headquarters was near 03 touchdown but moved to the building adjacent to the Chapel, which was St Raphael's Roman Catholic station church, which before that, had been a wartime parachute packing Section.
The Mayor Mike Botting was present and it was his last duty as the Mayor of the London Borough of Bromley. The congregation of staff, parents and invited guests numbered 79 and 55 cadets attended.
Refreshments were served after the service.
Before the RAF left in 1992, the Squadron headquarters was near 03 touchdown but moved to the building adjacent to the Chapel, which was St Raphael's Roman Catholic station church, which before that, had been a wartime parachute packing Section.